Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fashion is the best!

This evening I'm prepping for a Halloween party,  it's only two days away; it's a work related Halloween party, which could go one of two ways.
In scenario#1- I go to the work party-drink all the Stella's , and proceed to tell my co-workers all the tales of my wild youth, in a lame attempt to "put myself out there" with work people.
In scenario #2  I go - feel on edge the whole time , don't drink anything all night fidget with my costume and make-up and finish off the night by saying something incredibly bitchy without thinking.

Don't get me wrong I pretty much dig everyone I work with, but when I think about who I wan't to see me dressed in a slutty 1920's Flapper costume, swilling beers with the boys and so forth....I don't immediately think the people who I spend 40+hrs a week with.

Once they know my weakness....they will have the upper hand.
If I screw something up they will think I'm hung-over or if I empty my pockets on my desk and turn up 4 lighters and 6 beer caps they will think I'm drunk at work.  

You can probably understand how these things could cause problems.
My job is uber new, and I really like it, I want to keep this job.
I am job.

I have finally decided exactly what I will wear and how to style my hair.
I'm trying pin-curls now,  wanna see?

I'm not smiling which sucks, but I was trying to imagine what It felt like during Prohibition. The curls are still wet and need to set, and Im not really sure what will happen when I remove the bobby-pins. Hopefully it works out because it seems like it would be really fun to rock that look.

It's takes a really long time to set these whores...FYI.

Like a blur of dance

I look like a sweater.

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