Looking for a job is the most degrading discouraging thing.
I have answered 700 questionares so far in the last week.
The job market around here is so competetive that they actually include trick questions

I have answered 700 questionares so far in the last week.
The job market around here is so competetive that they actually include trick questions
on job applications for a cashier job at a hardware store. Trick Questions!
Im pretty sure you just have to slide the bar code past the blinky light until the computer
tells you how much money it wants. I know their may be some challenges in the position of cashier,
I may forget to ask the customers for the money, but luckily most of them will have their wallets out already which will act as a visual clue for me to request payment for goods. Im pretty sure no one will ever ask me to answer a flipping riddle! Last time I checked service with a smile and a basic understanding of math was all it required to be a cashier. I will never understand these multiple choice questions for menial jobs. Do you really think Im going to answer the question : " I am often late" with strongly agree? How about " I will tell someone if they make me angry"? Who do they think they are? Therapists? Is this a Facebook personality test? When I've finished the questionare am I going to be a "Charlotte" or something?
The whole thing is outta hand. Oh, and how about calling a cashier....well a cashier; not "customer experience executive" Tricksters I tell ya.
I guess I don't feel so bad for lying on my Resume.
I remember one time I applied to work a fucking deli counter at Loblaws and they had the craziest questionnaire.
ReplyDeleteOne question asked if I thought it was better to show up for work on time everyday or to always be friendly to the customers.
How the hell am I supposed to answer that??
I had worked at the market downtown for 6 years...in a poultry shop with a deli. I knew how to work the slicer and all the hygeine and whatnot in addition to customer service. I had some post-secondary food industry education. They were paying barely above minimum wage.
I didn't get the job.
I don't understand what exactly these personality tests are trying to figure out.
We've all had run-ins with horrendous customer service and it makes you wonder if they just want dumb people who won't question or expect too much...
It seems to be harder to get a job than to keep a job, even a low-paying one where you're easily replaceable.
Chin up, I know how hard it sucks. I think your personality is winning!